The Tech-Gaming Podcast, World 3-4

As E3 draws near, the Tech-Gaming Crew is besieged with new releases. While one member falls victim to chivalrous duty, the remaining force valiantly perseveres, offering impressions of Green Day: Rock Band, Monster Racers, Tiger Woods PGA 11, and VooDoo Dice. The team expends their final burst of  energy delving into this week’s Retro Memories pick- Rescue: The Embassy Mission, discovering one of gaming’s first tactical shooters. As always, there’s a stimulating selection of trivia awaiting listeners, and well as a trip to the mailbag.

Don’t forget to send your questions for
our next mailbag, and subscribe to the
Tech-Gaming Podcast on iTunes.
Leaving a review would be an awesome thing to do, also.

About Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. Reality's Fringe

    Downloading now (3) (2) (1)…

  2. Time of show shows up as 0:00 for me.

  3. On a Wednesday morning. Thanks to the gaming gods!!!!!!!

  4. 0:00 indicates how much of the show won’t captivate, entrance, or delight you. 🙂

  5. I just want to say repelling in Rescue is lame, they should have taken it out.

  6. Tango Two o Clock

    Awesome pic for this week’s show!

  7. No pre-show BS, just straight into it!

  8. Edible Entrail

    I like the way Adam’s voice cracks when he said his name.


  9. I like the way you guys get right into it this week! Very professional.

  10. It also indicates how much NOLA we’ll be getting this week. 😛

  11. You guys should have talked about the new MK trailer.

  12. Best wishes for NOLA’s girlfriend. Get better!

  13. NOLA's Left Nut

    Know what the 2 “N”s stand for?

    “No NOLA, No Listen”!!!!

  14. Why are you shooting Ninja Gaiden?!?

  15. Sniper’s hand looks funny. I played thegame this week and didn’t notice that.

  16. Yes, best wishes.

    Thanks for the heads-up on Rescue. Never knew what a interested game it was. Good pick by Deagle, and fits his personality.

  17. Will listen later today.

  18. I think it would be funner if the counter read (.)(.) 😉

  19. Here’s what Desert was talking about:

    BTW, I’m impressed you lived in Koreatown. Did you like it?

  20. “The best part of waking up is a podcast in the cue”

  21. Harry Potsmoker

    R:HM was a great little find. You guys should post completion times.

  22. Good show, but needed NOLA.

  23. No poop jokes in this one? Not even a measly link?

  24. These two geeks will do!

  25. I’ll listen later today.

  26. Fallen commandos always go to heaven.

    And is Desert right, Jumbo seems to be a bullet sponge.

  27. Without NOLA, we don’t get a explicit tag 🙁

  28. Good show by the Tideman and the Desert. Still need to get Rescue.

  29. MasterofLockpicking

    It’s not the same without a three mean team!

  30. How many listeners do you guys have? The CAG dude always brag about their numbers.

  31. Aww, thanks guys! I’ll be honest, she’s not THAT sick, she just happened to get sick literally half an hour before showtime. She just needed some taking care of – she’ll be back on her feet tomorrow, and I’ll be back on the podcast.

  32. Was she sick in the MORNING?

    NOLA can start reviewing all the games with “Z”‘s in the title.

  33. We don’t have anywhere close to the numbers our friends at CAG are pulling- but we are growing.

    Our most popular show (2-6) has been downloaded almost 4,500 times. Don’t ask me why that particular episode has been so popular.

  34. In a week? That’s amazing!

  35. So far, I’ve complete 4 or the 5 difficulty levels. The last one is a bitch, because the terrorist are quick.

  36. No, in total. Our podcasts have an extended shelf life; some people are still downloading our first episode a year later.

  37. Giving it a listen right now. Not too bad.

  38. Looking forward to next week already!

  39. Eyes like Knives

    Funny pic!

  40. Good RetroMemory pic, even though I never remember playing it. I was 3 when the game came out.

  41. Yeah. Boobz.

  42. Great work my gaming-obsessing friends!

  43. Was there a thumbs up and down section or did I miss it?

  44. Is Deagle Korean-American?

  45. Finally finished up listening today. Good show guys.