Plastic Fantastic- Toy Soldiers Review

DesertEagle’s Take: In the early 2000’s I was a perpetual pushover for 3DO’s Army Men console franchise. I naively purchased each successive game in the series, hopeful that the developer would craft a diversion that blended intense warfare with a robust dose of wholesome charm. Over the years, each entry failed to evoke the enjoyment generated by a set of simple, plastic soldiers, and I became convinced that no one would ever do the little green guys justice.

While the protagonists in Signal Studios recent release- Toy Soldiers, hail from the Great War rather the World War II era, this selection never impedes the title from becoming one of the greatest recreations of bedroom battlefields. In fact, the game’s selection of period is remarkably savvy, as it circumvents the current deluge of war games set in the 1940’s. Those worrying that the weaponry of the early 20th century is dreadfully antiquated and lacking the verve of a more contemporary arsenal may be surprised by Toy Soldier’s bombast. From domineering artillery to vile clouds of mustard gas, each ordnance packs quite a satisfying wallop. 

Nearly as inspired as Toy Soldiers’ setting in the game’s core mechanic which skillfully fuses a tower-defense elements with a healthy dose of Beachhead’s invader-repelling confrontations. Gamers place a variety of turrets in predetermined locations in an effort to exterminate consecutive waves of hostiles. Determining each unit’s placement requires a bit of strategic deliberation, as each fallen foe rewards the player with currency that can be used to augment the player’s existing arsenal. Unlike the majority of TD titles, Toy Soldiers allows players to man any tower- gunning, shelling, sniping or gassing adversaries in a gratifying manner. This small variation completely changes Toy Soldiers’ dynamic, giving the musty genre a much-needed shot of adrenaline.

Fortunately, taking control of each defensive structure offers more than just an opportunity to exercise a restless trigger finger on assaulting antagonists. While the game’s does an admirable job at protecting your base, it’s no match for a zealous humanoid. Periodically, players can also control allied armor or airplanes, giving gamers a few gratifying moments to hit opponents with some old-fashioned shock and awe. Smartly, Toy Soldiers makes you struggle for success in each stage, especially when players confront giant, mechanical, troop-spewing bosses.

Although Toy Soldiers‘ $15 price may be intimidating, aficionados of titles which adeptly blend strategy with action will find more than enough gratification to justify the cost. While I would have liked to have seen a cooperative component in the game, the amount of polish, and originality offered by Signal Studios creation means that I’ll be returning to these minute militias with frequency.

TideGear’s Take: Despite being a fairly new concept, the tower-defense genre has become over-saturated, leaving the quality entries to tread water in hopes of being noticed. While the setting and aesthetic of Toy Soldiers may not be an integral part of the gameplay, it’s well-implemented and should capture the attention of many of the right people. Those who are roped in by what they see, will be rewarded with clever game mechanics under the surface.

Ever since I played Activision’s takes on Battlezone, I’ve been a fan of strategy games that find a way to throw you amongst the crossfire. PixelJunk Monsters is a good example of a tower-defense game that does this right. It makes the battles feel more important to the player. In Toy Soldiers, the player is still basically an invulnerable flying camera as in many strategy games. The difference here is that to fully maximize your units’ potential, you will often need to take control of whichever unit is most vital to your current success. The AI is competent, but seems to be a bit too conservative with what is actually unlimited ammo (though guns can overheat and need to be reloaded).

Being a tower-defense game, the enemy AI is mostly non-existent and seems to charge across preset routes, regardless of what may impede them. Toy Soldiers attempts to solve this issue by having units, like infantry and cavalry, use somewhat direct, but varied routes. This works to up the realism for the most part, but I would have liked to see close groups of enemies scatter when fired upon. Enemy aircraft, however, do attempt to avoid gunfire.

Overall, you will need to know when and where to place units, which units to take control of and when, and how to most effectively utilize your units. Friendly aircraft seem to only be flyable by the player (and not AI). While they can initially seem fragile and ineffective, they have agility, speed and powerful bombs that can turn a bad situation quickly when used adeptly. This is where the game requires the most of your reflexes, but it also seems more-or-less optional.

I consider Toy Soldiers to mostly be a success. The map design is quite clever, and new units are unlocked just fast enough to keep you going. I, like DesertEagle, wanted some kind of cooperative mode. Such a mode has the potential for excellence. There’s obviously been a lot of love poured into the games visuals and sound. The contrast of blaring, blazing gunfire in a huge toy-set world is intentionally jarring as enemy units break into small plastic pieces. The warm, scratchy phonograph-cylinder music helps to remind you that this may be a game, played with toys, but World War I was a real war where real human lives were lost. If you’re a tower-defense game fan, and want one that does things notably different, Toy Soldiers is a safe bet. Otherwise, you may want to wait for the $15 USD (1200 points) price to drop.

About Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. I though the demo was pretty good, but $15 was a bit too much.

  2. man, those Army men games sucked bad. I learned my lesson after two, tho.

  3. If Franz Ferdinand does the soundtrack, it would be heaven.

  4. Downloading the demo right now.

  5. Nice to see a non WW2 game for a change. Do you get to pick which country you are?

  6. Can you build trenches? Wasn’t that the big part of ww1?

  7. Any 360 owners who haven’t this out, I highly encourage you to; the game is totally fun and really polished.

  8. I just want to be one of the dudes with the awesome bird on his helmet.

  9. This shows that XBLA games are growing up.

  10. Great review guys. I missed the two man takes!

  11. I really liked the demo, but didn’t have the $15 in points. I hope I win this. The game seems awesome.

  12. Great game, with plenty of polish. One of the top 10 XBLA games, and right behind Shadow Complex, IMO.

  13. Keep the two man reviews, coming. I always liked when EGM did them.

  14. Great review guys!!!
    this game is kinda overpriced though for 1200 should be 800.

  15. But he doesn’t like thighs? Nope, no dark meat jokes. not from me.

    Game look fun, I might have to get it. I hope you guys review Scrap Metal also. I’m interested in getting those bonus 500 points.

  16. Good review guys!!
    SHould be 800 points instead of 1200

  17. The demo for this game is great. I do wish it were a little less pricey though.

  18. is “Over there” in the game soundtrack?

  19. How flexible is the game’s camera?

  20. I cant help but think they’d sell twice at many if the game was only $10.

  21. I really liked the demo. How many levels are in the full game, and how long does each take to complete?

  22. I like playing with Army Men!

  23. Some of the character models are pretty cute. They look like detailed toys.

  24. Great review. This game does look pretty tempting. The only downside to me would be the 1200 ms point price tag. If it was 800 I would have bought this on day 1.

  25. I approve of this game. RTS with a twist. I’m gonna be like Wombat and beg like a child for a copy.

  26. weird i didn’t know it was a tower defense game ill have to check out the demo

  27. This looks so much fun.

  28. Great review, looks like tons of fun.

  29. “In Toy Soldiers, the player is still basically an invulnerable flying camera as in many strategy games.”

    No, you are GOD. LOL.

  30. Very good demo. The best RTS/TD game on 360.

  31. How do you beat the big wind up, bosses? I cant without moving to casual difficulty.

  32. Wow, superb write up… looks great!

  33. So many quality reviews for this game. Really have to try the demo now.

  34. You guys write some really great reviews together. Keep up the great work, Des and Kar!

  35. Great artwork. I couldn’t wait- I had to hit the buy button. No regrets, so far.

  36. Great review, I’ll definitely get it next time I buy points.

  37. Fantastic writing guys, you really upsell the game well, but you’re able to back it up with great reasons as well.

  38. Good review. It answered some questions the trial didn’t.

  39. Vehicles push this one over the top. Very fun. Too bad I hear no ones online to play against.

  40. i like the visual, but ive read that its somewhat unbalanced also does the game ai use your plane if your not controling it

  41. I’ve been waiting for something like this since Army Men.

  42. Seems DE likes it more than Karnov. No surprise since its a war game.

  43. I really haven’t heard a bad thing about this game.

  44. Looks like a really good game, I wonder if it lags during online play with all those soldiers on screen at once.

  45. The demo seems to reflect that this is a highly polished XBLA title…it was good fun. I agree that co-op would be a good option to have.

  46. Great review, definitely on my “to get” list…

  47. Great review, it gave me all the information I wanted to hear. Will buy this in a few weeks when I have the money.

  48. Was definitely intrigued by the demo and by this review. Got a little confused with the controls but am sure I’d get it with more playtime.

  49. I loved playing with them as a kid. 🙂

  50. Looks pretty awesome. Army Men 3D meets RTS.

    Nice review.

  51. Game looks very good from what I have seen.

  52. Good review. I really enjoyed the demo.

  53. Great review, definitely interested in this game, I just wish they hadn’t pushed the prices up on XBL $15 is a little high for me right now.

  54. Good review, I liked the demo but 1200 points was a bit too much for me. I would have bought it on day one if it was 800 points.

  55. Looked forward to playing the trial game when this was coming out, sadly my Xbox360 errored a couple weeks ago. I have it queued up whenever I get the Xbox back from repair… The review piqued my interest even more.

  56. this game looks great, reminds me of the old army men games

  57. nice review, sounds like a fun little game

  58. Seems like a fun game.

  59. nice review, sounds like a fun little game.

  60. Sadly, sales don’t happen soon or often enough on XBLA. I blame Major Nelson.

  61. Is it wrong that I was kind of hoping there would be a magnifying glass-like weapon to melt the enemy soldiers? Nice review.

  62. I would love to win this game!!!

  63. Looks like a great fun game.

  64. this demo was great may have to pick it up.

  65. The article inspired me to queue up the demo, I can’t wait to get home and try it out.

  66. I’ve been hearing nothing but great things for the game. Congrats to Signal Studios.

  67. Tried this out. Pretty good game.

  68. I enjoyed the demo more than I thought I would.
    Actually I´ts a really good game!
    thx for the giveaway – And remember don´t drink and drive

  69. The art direction for this game is really interesting.

  70. One of the better demos to hit XBLA in a while. I was getting a bit jaded from all the generic games.

  71. Absolutely loved the demo. Unfortunately just don’t have the extra $15 to throw towards this game right now.

    Great review.

  72. Great review. Looks like a fun game. Im going to download the demo now.

  73. That review was straight fire.

  74. about time another quality tower defense game showed up. defense grid was getting lonely on xbla =]

  75. Pretty cool, but I don’t think I will bite for $15.

  76. game looks great, thanks for the review!

  77. This game looks like a lot of fun. I plan on downloading the demo soon.

  78. Played the demo, it is a really fun game!

  79. The game looks good, but the trend of 15.00 arcade games kinda bug me.

  80. good demo but 1200 points is would be nice

  81. The Incredible Hunk

    I don’t usually support the $15 games, but this could be the rare exception.

  82. Considering how many tower defense games are being shoveled down our throats these days, it’s nice to know the indies are still trying to shake things up a bit.

    I really need to check this game out.

  83. Awesome game, judging by the demo 🙂

  84. Had a good experience with the demo, but not enough to buy. Now if you want to give it to me . . .

  85. Looks like a good game and one that I have been meaning to get. This would ease the pain of having to buy it lol.

  86. Great Review, Learned about this from the items in the market place and after reading on it I think im going to get this when i have the cash but im still debating this over Knoxx and winterbottom.

  87. Man, I need to score a points card. I really liked the demo. I hope the full game has plenty of offensive options.

  88. great game/hope will win it

  89. Great demo but don’t know if it could go the long haul for spending that much on a game I like a little more diversity but for basically a tower defense game it’s got some fresh ideas and great graphics.

  90. Very cool concept and seemingly well executed by such a small team (I believe only 5 people worked on this). Really enjoyed the demo and would love to pick up the full game.

  91. If 5 people work on the game, that is incredible. They deserve some support!

  92. Pwease oh pwease I hope I win.

  93. Nice review, will try the demo out here soon.

  94. Sounds like tons of fun. I love TD games as well. $15 is a bit steep though.

  95. This game seems to be really good. Looking forward to playing it whenever I find the time.

  96. I liked the demo, but I didnt want to pay for it, hope I win!

  97. i’ll get it when its the deal of the week

  98. Great review, I’ll be sure to check back here often!

  99. Thanks for the opportunity. Tried the trial, loved the game, but $15 is indeed a little steep.

  100. Nice review. The demo was really fun, but I just don’t have the points.

  101. Great reviews. I love the conceit of this game, and at $10, I would go for it. $15 is just a little to much.

  102. Microsoft needs to learn to not make games 1200 points. Anyways, awesome review. Love the two person take idea.

  103. Pretty much what everyone said. Would get it if it were prices a bit lower

  104. What is up with the bird hats 😛
    In all seriousness, looks like a create game.

  105. demo was fun should have made it online though (for the demo).

  106. Hey great review guys, just bookmarked your site. Can’t wait to read more, keep up the good work.

  107. Loved the demo!

  108. Seemed pretty neat from what i tried in the trial.

  109. Maybe I need to give the demo more time. Sounds like fun.

  110. Nice review! I really like the style that TS has, and the fact that you can actually take control of your units instead of just hoping they get the job done.

    I would have instantly bought the game if it were 800 MSP

  111. Modern day army men huh? oh yeah.

  112. Played the demo it was fun. Look forward to playing it again, but will wait to go down in ms points.

  113. I enjoyed the demo, the split screen was pretty fun as well.

  114. nice review, thank you !!

  115. Great review, looking forward to trying this soon!

  116. Toy Soldiers, Big Battles! or was it small soldiers? 4got what the movie was called

  117. Nice review. Had fun with the demo, but 15 bucks imo is asking for too much.

  118. Looks like a fun game.

  119. wanna give it a try. looks cool, like the demo

  120. awesome demo. i want more after the tsar demo. it brings me back to when I played with green army men in the backyard.

  121. Liked the demo, but $15 is expensive for an arcade title.

  122. Looks really interesting, I liked them demo a lot, I might have to pick it up.

  123. I LOVED the demo – after reading this review I’m tempted to try this out. Perhaps one day..

  124. loved the demo, hope to win the full game

  125. this game demo was really fun but i would rather pay 800 rather then 1200. I also really liked how you control a plane while your turrets mowed down the enemy and you bomb the from above or do a fly by.

  126. Played the demo and it looks great.

  127. I loved the army men games and this looks to be very similar. I’m downloading the demo now. Long live TOY SOLDIERS!!!!

  128. I agree with most of the other comments. Demo was good but not $15 good.

  129. RTS and WWI weapons? count me in

  130. I also like getting 2 perspectives on the game. @TideGear’s review reflects the concerns I had from trying the demo, but I also think it is a brilliant game as well.

    Hope I win, I am tired of playing MW2, need a new genre for a change.

  131. Price tag is a bit high, but still a fun game.

  132. Good review. Enjoyed the demo quite a bit, hope to get my hands on a full copy of the game some time soon. 😉

  133. Man, I haven’t played a Tower Defense game since Warcraft 3 custom mods.

    Interesting game. Great review!

  134. Wasn’t sure what to expect when this was first announced, but I tried the demo and found the experience very fun. I really like the ability to throw myself right into the battle.

  135. Looks good!

  136. Good review, even though i’ve played so many TD’s this still looks pretty good, especially the first person stuff.

  137. Definately sounds interesting. Time to download the trial! ^_^

  138. Loved the demo, played it with some friends.

    A bit confusing at first, but we got the hang of it after a few matches!

    Would love to try the rest of the game 🙂