Convincingly Commendable-The Conduit Reviewed

The Conduit for the Nintendo Wii. Developer: High-Voltage Software, Publisher: Sega ESRB: T

Over the past two and a half years, the Wii has seen countless pet simulations, a marching band replication, and a single, capable, first-person shooter. While Red Steel, Call of Duty 3, and Far Cry: Vengeance have all attempted to capture the visceral intensity of the genre onto Nintendo’s console, only Metroid Prime 3: Corruption has been triumphant. Evidently, the primary element in determining the efficaciousness of a Wii shooter is the control method, which has continued to confound third-party developers.

Much of the success of High Voltage Software’s The Conduit emanates from the flexibility of the game’s input method. The recently released Wii title allows players to adjust an unprecedented amount of control options. Players can alter the size of the game’s ‘dead zone’- the ominously named area in the center of the screen where players aim at foes, without altering the perspective of the game. Once players move outside the region, the game will tilt or pan in the direction of the crosshairs. Sensitivity can be attuned as well, permitting the camera to move in quick snaps, or deliberate drifts. Additionally, player’s can revise the title’s HUD, creating a view that is as uncluttered or edifying as the player desires.

Regrettably, that amount of adaptability isn’t integrated into The Conduit’s execution. The title presents a scant five enemies for players to engage, each showing a modicum of intelligence. Foes will irrationally mill around open the environment, occasionally taking cover. Upping the difficulty level doesn’t improve opponents’ astuteness, but merely adds more power to their amount of ballistic power. Your surroundings shift from narrow hallways to larger airy arenas, although The Conduit pushes the player down a predetermined path. Yet, despite these misgivings, the title remains remarkably enjoyable. Firefights may lack strategic complexity, but they continue to be gratifying throughout the title’s six hour campaign, and well into the multiplayer realm.

Forgoing the requirement of exasperating friend codes, The Conduit allows player to jump right into a fracas with up to twelve other players. Players insistent on challenging acquaintances or utilizing the Wii Speak support will be the only ones burdened by Nintendo’s antiquated methods, making multiplayer matches instantly accessible and sufficiently occupied with players. Conduits supports three main multiplayer types: Free for All, Team Reaper, and Team Objective, with a handful of variations for each genre, allowing for an ample amount of online diversions. Games were relatively lag-free, even during matches with a maximum number of participants; ideally the net-code won’t falter as additional gamers purchase the title.

Visually, The Conduit is consistently impressive, and displays an array of effects uncommonly seen on Nintendo’s console. From the translucent image projected by the game’s All Seeing Eye, to the colorful plasma effects displayed by some of the more exotic weapons, the title pushes the Wii hardware. The Conduit’s framerate is reliably steady, only allowing for minute hitches during moments of intense action.

For nearly two years, Wii owners have suffered the aching absence of a viable first person shooter. The Conduit delightfully fills that void with a wonderfully customizable interface that will, ideally, become an industry exemplar. While its single player campaign is both linear and regrettably fleeting, it still offers a potent experience that is nearly without rival on Nintendo’s console. The title’s online component is amply varied, allowing gamers to enjoy some of the best fragging found on the Wii.

About Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. Not a fault with you guys, but it seemed like the title was hyped to the moon, and now in reviews, its merely getting good ratings.

  2. I hear the story is super generic, but the action is really fun. It makes me wonder if all the FPS stories have ben told.

  3. You seem to like it better than most of the reviews I’ve read. How much of that is because you like FPSs?

  4. Wanna read the worst review ever for this game?

    He basically says it’s crap for three pages then gives it 3 1/2 stars. What an idiot.

  5. I ‘ve been waiting for this game for a while. I’m so glad you didn’t pull that, “good for a Wii game” shit here.

  6. A FPS for the Wii that’s good? Wow, I’m amazed.

  7. I want to play this, but I own a 360. Should I spend $50 on Conduit, or play an older, not so good $20 Xbox game?

  8. Are you referring to IGN?

  9. Hey, I’m glad you guys are liking the game. I bought it on Wed, and totally agree with your review.

    Alot of site are being wayyy to hard on it. Saying the graphics suck and all that.

  10. Red explosive containers in the middle of a location for no reason? Check.

    Masked enemies with glowing faces. Check.


  11. Chi-Town Baller

    I head this game is in DC. They better reanimate Lincoln to kick ass and fire an old Gettysburg cannon or this will suck. LOL.

  12. Yeah, they totally leave it open for a sequel, which I understand, but still feel a bit ripped off by.

  13. I like the point you made about the control. I really hope other developer are taking notes about how this is making gamers happy.

  14. Well this is for Wii owners, so if you have a 360 you’ll probably be disappointed.

  15. Graphics look pretty blocky to me.

  16. Gawd, that was complete crap. Someone take that guys license to review games away.

  17. Is buying a WiiSpeak worth it for TWO game. There’s another waste of plastic, courtesy of Nintendo.

  18. I know this is cliche, but I’ll grab it when the price drops a bit. $30 or so should do it.

  19. Is there a cover system?

  20. Good review. I don’t understand the hate this game is getting on some of teh messageboards. I think all the hardcores are speaking up.

  21. Are their real weapons in the game? How are they modeled.

  22. I hear it’s not the best game in the world but definitely fun.

  23. You press “C” to duck.

  24. Has anyone given this a A or 9/10 yet? Seems like B/C/7 and 8’s all around. I’m thinking its a Washington conspiracy.

  25. I am hereby dubbing this game “Wii-lo.”

  26. Eh I guess the game turned out a bit better then I thought but it still probably isn’t worth the time of those who own consoles besides the wii.

  27. After the graphics? or the quality 😉

  28. I’m thinking about getting this one. Thanks for the review, deagle.

  29. Finally we get something that looks like it’ll have competent online play for the Wii, without having to bother with friend codes! Too bad I sold my Wii ages ago. Might need to get another one some day.

  30. This game doesn’t look bad at all. If you squint, it could almost look next-gen.

  31. Seems like a good game. The comments about it being like N64 era shooters makes me want to grab it for fauxstalgia.

  32. Tempted to pick this up.. Looks great for a Wii Title. Little disappointed that its not living up to the hype.. but that would have been a feat..!

  33. Great review, DeserEagle. I remain interested in this title, but at 6 hours campaign, and with no real desire on my part to play online with my Wii, I’ll be waiting for a price drop.

  34. Disappointing to hear that difficulty doesn’t ramp up the AI, but only makes them stronger- one of my biggest pet peeves in games concerning difficulty.

  35. In a way I’m glad they didn’t artificially extend the SP game and make it longer, but 6 hours in a bit short.

    Other sites are saying 5, hmmm.

  36. This game might actually make me want to play my Wii again. Good review.

  37. Awesome review, I cant wait to buy this. A short single player is fine, I’m in it for the competition.

  38. I dunno. I would have to pull the Wii out of my kids room to play. I think I will wait until clearance to get it.

  39. Great review, now I have even MORE reasons to buy this game. I might pick it up when it goes down in price a bit. I don’t like paying more than $40 for Wii games.

  40. Site bookmarketed, as your review didn’t have the Wii hate that almost all other gaming spots have. God job.

  41. Looks a bit blocky but more than acceptable.

  42. Two wii games in two days, thats got to be a record.

  43. Yeah, IGN said it was the second coming then 8.6ed it.

  44. Flak said:
    “Seems like a good game. The comments about it being like N64 era shooters makes me want to grab it for fauxstalgia.”

    Dude….ABSOLUTELY on the money. For those of us in the 21+ year old crowd, this game is an utter trip; I mean that in the highest regard! VERY Goldeneye/Perfect Dark-esque, especially the multiplayer component!

    I picked up the Special Edition pre-order two days ago and have been loving it since. Definitely don’t miss it!

  45. I have to agree with this review. Its one of the better ones that I’ve seen out there. Some places, like Gamepro and 1UP, came down really hard on The Conduit. IGN I think reviewed it more fairly, just like this one here. The game is not perfect, the story isn’t the most exciting (although its really not that bad), and the single player campaign is short (although there are achievements and such for completionists)…but the game has ONE big factor going for it above and beyond all else: The Conduit is FUN. Its pure, straight up fun. The controls are the tightest I’ve ever used on a console, and it makes for a wonderfully fun game. Isn’t that what games are supposed to be about??? Also, the multiplayer is a BLAST. I’ve never really been one to get too much into FPS games, but the great controls on Conduit really help to draw you into the experience. Getting into an online match is really easy and simple. And the matches themselves are frantic combats, especially if playing just free for all. I love the ASE Football game, and Bounty Hunter is a LOT of fun. Can’t wait to get home tonight and play some more.

  46. great review, game looks and sounds like a winner.
    My wii might actually get turned on again (punchout was great though)

  47. Well, I’m disappointed. This game was hyped in every way possible and it was supposed to be something that would be considered good when compared to all FPS games not just Wii games. Unfortunately, we have yet another average game on the Wii.

  48. Special Edition? WOAH, what was included?