E3: Nintendo’s Magic Mix of the New and Nostalgic

Nintendo E3 2015 (1)

Gonçalo’s take: Keeping in tone with last year’s E3, the Nintendo conference was held digitally with every segment being pre-recorded. This time, Robot Chicken sketches were replaced with Muppets, a decision which is arguably better fitting of the brand names at hand. Clocking in at just under an hour, Nintendo’s presentation was the shortest, though not for a lack of content choosing instead to focus on games and little else.

Wasting no time, the software giant revealed gameplay for Star Fox Zero which will be releasing this Holiday season. Players can now pilot the famous arwings vessels with the aid of the Wii-U controller touchpad which offers a cockpit view while the console displays a behind-the-vessel camera. Star Fox Zero draws many elements from both Star Fox 64 and the canceled Super Nintendo title, Star Fox 2, re-introducing the classic landmaster vehicle and allowing arwings to transform into mechs. Stylistically, the game edges to its Nintendo 64 counterpart, with the Corneria level resembling its 1997 iteration. Sadly, its graphical output fails to impress on a technical level being graphically reminiscent of early Xbox 360 and PS3 titles.

In an unprecedented move, Skylanders Superchargers will be compatible with two new Amiibo. These are Hammer Slam Bowser, piloting the clown cruiser and a turbo-charged Donkey Kong with controlling a Barrel Blaster Vehicle. This will be the first time a Nintendo Amiibo will be the first time a piece will be cross-compatible as both an Amiibo and a Skylander. To switch between compatibility modes owners need only to rotate the plastic base piece.

Nintendo E3 2015 (5)

Many Legend of Zelda fans may recall The Four Swords for the Gameboy Advance. Those who enjoyed the co-operative gameplay offered there will be glad to know this formula is returning with Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes for the 3DS. The roster has been reduced from four to three players though this time far more customization options and outfits are available.

This was then followed by a 3DS version of last year’s Hyrule Warriors. Although it can’t compete graphically with its Wii-U counterpart, the amount of enemies displayed on screen is impressive for a handheld system. The game will come with previous DLC character already included in the game.

The 3DS line-up was further reinforced with Metroid Prime Federation Force, a four-player co-op first person title based on Samus Aran’s universe. The cartridge will include a second bonus game by the name of Metroid Prime: Blast Ball, a 3 vs. 3 sports battle game. Currently, this pack is set to release next year.

3DS owners can also expect a good line-up of RPGs starting with Fire Emblem Fates. Little in the way of plot was revealed, though trailer made it abundantly clear the story will be a centerpiece for this 2016 title. This was followed by Japanese trailer of Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem. Sadly, the trailer’s short length and lack of gameplay makes it hard to pass judgement. Wii-U owners needn’t fear any lack of offerings within this genre either as Xenoblade Chronicles X will finally release in December 5th, 2015.

Continuing the trend of returning Nintendo franchises, the conference presented not one, but two Animal Crossing experiences. The first, Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer for the 3DS allows players to customize their character, homes and locations in ways previous games didn’t. Everything from posters to furniture and even chandeliers and it’s currently set to release on September 25, 2015. The second title is an Animal Crossing board game similar to Mario Party. This game will require an Amiibo per player, making it a potentially costly venture.

The conference then moved on to Yoshi’s Wooly World, a 2.5D starring the popular dinosaur in a graphical style similar to Kirby’s Epic Yarn. The game will feature Amiibo compatibility which will turn Mario’s companion into that particular character. Meaning if a Samus Amiibo is used, Yoshi’s look will change to mimic the famous bounty hunter.

As the conference entered its last act, there were still four games left to show. Firstly, Yo-Kai Watch for the 3DS, an RPG drawing more than a few ideas from Pokémon. Players are tasked with finding these creatures and adding them to their own collection. These can then be used as combatants when facing off evil Yo-Kai. Powerful attacks will make use of the 3DS’ touchpad abilities, prompting a mini-game which further enhances each strike. This was then followed by the final 3DS title, a new Mario title which combines the Mario & Luigi saga with Paper Mario. This was easily the best new reveal on Nintendo’s handheld, the dialog alone between the franchise’s famous characters and their paper selves creates great opportunities for comedy.

Wii-U owners can now expect a new tennis game starring Nintendo’s mascot. Mario Tennis Ultra Smash is coming this Holiday bringing with it a new set of power-ups including mushrooms which turn your character into a giant. Finally, we received further glimpses into Mario Maker, a title which looks more promising with each new reveal. Stylistically, players can change between the NES original, Super Mario 3, World or the recent Wii-U incarnations. Moreover new stackable powers have been added including the option to pilot a cloud while shooting fireballs. It’s a testament to Nintendo’s creativity when they can take old formulas and concepts and make them seem like new.

About Gonçalo Tordo

Having grown up with both consoles and a PC, Gonçalo 'Purple Wizard' Gonçalves will play anything from Wizardry to Halo including JRPGs, Adventure games, Wizardry, WRPGS, Shooters and Wizardry.


  1. Jeremy you’re a pretty good writer/analyst. You should share more with us.

    • Well, everything except your opinion on anime. But games, go wild!

      Almost everything looked good, except Metroid Prime: Federation Force

    • I like Robert’s writing as well. He might have the edge on writing while Jeremy’s a better podcaster.

  2. Slightly OT, but what’s the update on Iwata’s heath?

    • I remember reading his health issues were mostly due to surgery, doctors found a tumor and it had to be removed – not much else was said, he seems to have recovered just fine. Given that E3 was a week later than normal this year, it overlapped with Nintendo shareholders meeting (when investors vote on company stuff) so he couldn’t make it this year.

  3. Nintendo’s presser was short, but I loved almost every minute of it. Nice to see they embraced their Japanese heritage.

  4. Is Super Mario Maker coming to the 3DS and Wii U? Will they be able to interchange levels?

  5. What was everyones favroite game there?

  6. Xenoblade Chronicles looks really cool. Day one.

  7. Super Mario Maker is the game I’ve dreamed about. I used to draw imaginary Mario levels as a kid. I’m pretty fired up about making them. I can only imagine the stuff the community will come up with.

  8. Nintendo was the show that got me most excited, Sony second. MS barely had anything that interested me, except for a few indies.

  9. When I first saw Xenoblade Chronicles X I knew I had to buy a Wii U. I got a few games to help pass the time, and now it’s my favorite system.

  10. Yokai doesn’t need a hyphen.